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Derek Johnson Decodes It All! MOABS! “The Most Biblical, Monumental, Historic Covert White Hat Operations In Our Nation’s History Commenced & They’re Happening Right Before Our Very Eyes!” Mind Officially Blown! 

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MIND OFFICIALLY BLOWN! DEREK JOHNSON KNOCKS IT OUT OF THE PARK IN THIS ONE, PATRIOTS – and he give us ALL what we’ve been craving FOR SO long now: Hard EVIDENCE & irrefutable FACTS! FINALLY some PROOF to back up the wild claims! BOOM! This MASSIVE DECODE by the SUPER VIRAL Army Veteran, Derek Johnson, drops TRUTH BOMB after TRUTH BOMB, while deciphering the recent past and current events. Diving DEEP down the Rabbit Hole with every heart-pounding revelation, Derek shows you the BLUEPRINT that makes up the most “…BIBLICAL, MOMUMENTAL and HISTORIC COVERT set of OPERATIONS in our country’s history…” happening right under our noses this very moment! Perhaps the MAIN take-away you’ll get from watching is that the military is in FULL CONTROL and you will KNOW THAT for a FACT, because this video is JAM PACKED FULL of BRILLIANT DECODES that will literally have you on the edge of your seat the entire time – shouting “I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!”. It will be at THAT VERY MOMENT when you realize that it’s ALL starting to make perfect sense! I mean, WOW, Patriots! 

Among other BRILLIANT DECODES in this video, Derek Johnson breaks down the following for us:
DECODED: How we KNOW Sleep Joe isn’t our President. WOW!
DECODED: The ABSOLUTE TRUTH about the ILLEGAL FBI raid on Mar-a-lago. BOOOM!
DECODED: The countless military aircraft and recent flights by and over Washington, DC (a NO FLY zone). They’re there for a GOOD reason!
DECODED: How we KNOW the Military is in full control of our country. EVIDENCE!
DECODED: Why there are fences around the Capital Building and White House.
DECODED: EACH Executive Order POTUS Trump put into place that PROVES he is still President!
DECODED: Why over 1300 CEO’s have stepped down in the last 3 years. How woulda thought?!
DECODED: What’s REALLY going on with our National Guard. Things make PERFECT sense once you know!
DECODED: Why the White House is literally a Ghost Town. The lights are on but nobody’s home!
DECODED: Why Biden had a duplicate Press Room built. 
DECODED: How we know for a FACT that the current ‘Biden’ is really an actor. WHAAAAT?!
DECODED: Why POTUS Trump’s ‘Alamo Speech’ was so important – and relevant – TODAY.
DECODED: Why the countless specialty military planes are flying over Wachington, DC
DECODED: How these MASSIVE COVERT Military Operations have been carried out in near TOTAL SECRECY.
DECODED: Joe Biden received a Military Greade Funeral – NOT an inauguration – on January 7, 2021, Huuuh?!
DECODED: Who was OFICIALLY INAUGURATED on January 7, 2021. How could we miss THIS?!

Better grab the “Oh, CRAP!” handles for this one, Patriots, this brilliant interview is going to be a WILD RIDE!

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