Browsing: Health

Thankfully, the doctor has already been charged with medical murder! Lin Wood, the conservative attorney has filed a harassment campaign against the Catholic hospital, Amita Health Resurrection Medical Center, following the death of QAnon supporter Veronica Wolski. She, unfortunately, died within just a week of being admitted to the hospital. According to the report published […]

I am so tired of seeing all the misinformation out there about Ivermectin. Look, I will give you one disclaimer before we get started:  I am a journalist and not anyone with any medical expertise.  I’m not a doctor and I’m not giving medical advice.   I’m just presenting you with the results of my research […]

It’s good to see healthcare professionals taking a stand for their medical freedom. Hospital systems nationwide have implemented COVID-19 injection mandates for doctors, nurses, and other staff members. This coercion to inject a medical experiment into your body violates the Nuremberg Code. Because coercion is not consent.   And individuals who feel pressured to take […]

Surprise, surprise. I recently reported that Israel was essentially a case study against forced vaccination. and it isn’t very hard to see why—in fact, Israel has been on the news quite a bit lately, precisely because they are the best argument against C-19 vaccines. Natural immunity is king—this isn’t even a debatable premise anymore. We […]

Dr. Ryan Cole, an Idaho-based board-certified pathologist and diagnostics lab owner and operator, has revealed disturbing new details on how Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are causing a major “uptick” in autoimmune illnesses and cancer. Cole stated how he is now seeing a 2,000 percent increase in chronic sickness in people who took Donald “father of […]

Now it’s all coming out…. Aside from a lot of other reported side effects, women may now have to worry about potential side effects from the C-19 vaccine affecting their reproductive health. According to the newest reports, The N.I.H. will study the effects of the vaccine on the menstrual cycle of women….. In their own […]

Sometimes it’s hard for me to find the words to write these articles….. The insanity we encounter on a day to day basis is staggering…… Many have pointed out that it’s extremely strange for Covid cases to have surged at the exact time flu infections have declined by record amounts. Well, I think I may have […]