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Beginning Of End Of Covid!! Covid Rules All Over The World Must Fall Because Of Something That Happened In Canada!

Beginning Of End Of Covid!! Covid Rules All Over The World Must Fall Because Of Something That Happened In Canada!

Patrick King subpoenaed government officials to prove that covid exists, and they could NOT do it.  

They entered it into official court documents that they could not produce covid.

What this means, is that they have no proof that covid exists, and they admitted it on public record. 

What this means is that the tests, lockdowns, masks, social distancing, and so forth, have no basic for existing anywhere.

They have no legal bases for any of it… anywhere, in the world.

They have no basis in reality.

It means the baddies have to give themselves up.

It means the world will learn about the plans to exterminate 90% of us via their sinister mystery needles.

It means is this is the greatest crime against humanity, are being exposed and stopped.

It means they destroyed our lives, based on a lie. 

It means they conspired against humanity.

It means they were pushing us on to their cyborg needles.

It means they were turning us into non-human robots via their mystery needle ingredients hooked up to their 5G totalitarian control grid system.

Remember, their PCR test admittedly cannot tell the difference between their covid, and the flu.

Folks… listen…

There may be a covid, but maybe not… however, they seemed to turn everything like colds and flus, into covid. Every thing they say about covid is a lie, from the masks, needles, tests, rules and they did all of it, not even having proven the thing even exists. They took away the rights of the world based on a lie… is that not a crime of some sort…and it’s a premeditated crime of immense planning spanning across countries, beyond borders, beyond organizations and local communities.  The roots of this dark plan take us to the pits of the underground, that existed because humanity refused to see the truth… and thus, they were able to literally build an entire extensive underground network, that seeked to control us above, from below.  

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