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It came up in the very first Q&A session of the conference. A University of Chicago freshman and a senior editor of the campus’s right-wing publication (tagline: “Outthink the mob”) asked my colleague Anne Applebaum whether “the media acted inappropriately when they instantly dismissed Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation.” The student was unsatisfied with Applebaum’s answer—that she didn’t think the laptop qualified as a major news story, disinformation or no—and later appeared on Fox News to say so. His tweet about the exchange, which incorrectly stated that Appelebaum had failed to answer the question, went viral. This kicked off a vitriolic and widespread campaign against Applebaum from the right, pushed by influencers including Jack Posobiec, Mike Cernovich, and multiple Fox News hosts; she was subjected to weeks of personal threats.

The laptop came up again the next day, first thing in the morning. A panel discussion titled “Politics as Usual or an Insidious Attack on Our Democracy?” took its premise from a November 2021 column by Ben Smith, then of The New York Times, in which he used the Biden laptop story to demonstrate how confusing the conversation about misinformation and disinformation had become. In dealing with the laptop, reporters were understandably wary of repeating the mistakes made regarding the WikiLeaks hack-and-dump operation before the 2016 election, which led to over-coverage of the Hillary Clinton email scandal, which was ultimately inconsequential. That’s why many of them dismissed the story, or labeled it a new front in the information war. But many presidential election cycles have unearthed confusing, scandalous revelations requiring investigative journalism to verify or debunk them, Smith argued. Labeling this a problem of the social-media age, and focusing on mis- or disinformation as phenomena that can be corrected, hidden, or blocked at the platform level, is “a technocratic solution to a problem that’s as much about politics as technology,” he wrote. He reiterated much of this during the panel, saying that the laptop story had been mishandled by reporters and, “most disturbingly,” by social-media companies.

I heard this opinion repeatedly in casual conversations and from the speakers onstage. Jonah Goldberg, the editor in chief of The Dispatch, argued during the panel that the “disinformation” label can backfire by feeding into the idea that the “powers that be” are forbidding people from looking at information that they consider illegitimate. He illustrated his point with Biden’s laptop too. Twitter and Facebook treated it like disinformation before the truth could be determined. “Whether you think that was smart in the heat of the moment or not, [it] has backfired enormously,” he said. “Because now it seems like it was all conspiratorial.”

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