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2 Billion Dead In 5 Years From Jab Says Doctor.. I Think She’s Lowballing It!!

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2 Billion Dead In 5 Years From Jab Says Doctor.. I Think She’s Lowballing It!!

DR. EADS THE DEATHS FROM THE JAB ARE NOW 10000 DAILY, WILL REACH 2 BILLION IN 5 YRS I wonder if people really comprehend what is going on… this doctor estimates 2 billion dead within 5 years!! At what point do people accept those numbers dwarf any war that has ever happened on this planet BY BILLIONS!!

Like I said in the other video I made about the dancing doctors and nurses… they haunt me… to this day. I want to know why. I think it’s because we haven’t heard from very many of them… we haven’t heard them say they are sorry for what they have done… we have heard them say they will as a group, stop their willing participation in the democide… we haven’t seen too much remorse… we haven’t heard them say they will never do it again. Their dancing images to me have been like salt in an open wound… like demons dancing on the graves of the newly dead. Some of the injected are no longer human… and some of their dead bodies give off bluetooth signals from the grave… and some of the injectors are no longer human, and they register as living bluetooth devices. Estimates are that 2 billion people will die from this horror story… but I say that number is probably too low. Imagine that we have to forgive a 2 billion+ mass murder spree… it’s like that… forgive, but don’t forget.

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